Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Families are wonderful groups to belong to!  Families are love, support, fun, sharing, laughs, exploring, talking, and just great to hang out with.

This year we again joined Rosemary and Vern and their children and grandchildren at Roosevelt for their yearly Memorial Day weekend.  The Davidsons have been coming here for years now to windsurf, kitesurf, and just to be together. For the last three years Rick and Judy have picked up Grandma and brought her with them.  Bill and I drive up from Roseburg to join in the fun.

This is the first time I've blogged the event and now wish I had taken lots more pictures.  Maybe Kristen will fill in with more on her blog (hint, hint!) Or Jenny (hint, hint)!

Saturday was a mixed day of wind.  And WIND is what they all come for.  You can't kite surf without it.  So when there is no wind, you get to sit and eat, and visit, and catch up on the latest happenings.

 Wind is down so we visit.....

 ...and visit some more.  The children migrate in and out but the women seem to have the visiting part down pretty well.

 Grandma even had the visiting down!

 Hannah has a bagged trainer kite.  The trainer kite did come out and a few of us gave it a try but the wind was too light to really have fun with it.  There again where was the camera?????

 Rosemary and Rick in a deep discussion .... the red pile and the white thing on the ground behind them are the wind kites.  These things are huge...and take a lot of skill to fly and surf with one.  

Bill and Vern visiting.  I don't think they moved from the chairs all day!  Now that is taking visiting to a new limit.

Thank you Davidson families for a fun day!

Happy Family Day!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Arrival of Spring

Let the tour begin...
 And then there is the veggie garden....

 "The Tower" which has sugar peas planted at the bottom of it, the tomato cages have tomatoes, garlic to the right....
 More tomatoes along the fence, Swiss Chard in the front....

 And Bill is determined to eat the blueberries this year...he is still working on his bee friendly, bird proof cage...

 ...the amazing 5' artichoke plant....

 and finally, the magic producers of compost (or so they say!)

Thank you Bill for all the wonderful landscaping and work you have done to make the yard look just great!!!

Happy gardening.