Saturday, September 10, 2011

Every Little Girl's Dream

What better way to spend a hot summer day indoors... but by telling family stories.

Granddaughter Kayla is six years old and is following in her older sister's stirups.  


Kenzie (the older sister) has been riding horses now for four years and has blue ribbons hanging on her bedroom wall from competitions she has ridden in. She is quite talented with her horsewomanship (is there such a word?).  When Kenzie would go to lessons and rode in the competitions, little sister Kayla would sat on the sidelines watching.

Kenzie would take time with Kayla at home and explain all the in's and out's of how to ride a horse and Kayla would soak up these instructions while sitting on a stuffed fake horse in her bedroom. 

What is amazing is the following pictures are from Kayla's first horse riding lesson.  She is so confident, her posture is so straight, you would think she was born on a horse.


The first lesson started with the basics of the different parts of the saddle.  I asked her if the saddle had a horn on it to hang on to?  "No Grandma!"

 Looks like she was born to do this.

Okay, so I have enjoyed the last hour.

Best little smile there is :D


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