Sunday, March 31, 2013

Closer and closer...

Just how long can it take to sew straight lines on a quilt!  But the end is in sight.

And then there is the before and after quilt....

This one was started before the present quilt and will be the first one finished after this quilt is done.

Happy 'Many Projects" Day.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Where are the extra pair of hands when you need them?  The top is complete and the quilt is now layered. 

Sorry about the shadows (we did have sun for a short while).

The layers do need to be tidied up. 

Happy sewing!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday's Progress

This one may be done by the end of the week!!!  Wouldn't that be a first!

The quilt picture needs to be rotate once to the left or you can tilt your head to the right...whichever is easier. 

Happy Tuesday morning spent quilting.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday's Progress

I can't believe I have come this far so quickly. 

Happy sewing days!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sins of Quilting

I've seen fabric I didn't like but never in this quilt shop.  Business took us to Eugene yesterday and when it was finished the car (for some unknown reason) drove straight to "Piece by Piece".  And you know Bill was not behind the wheel!

I only meant to come out with one piece of fabric but the sin of greed grabbed a hold and wouldn't let me go....  honest. 


The fat quarters would have been enough until I glanced up and there on the wall was hung a really neat wall hanging... and most of the pieces were from a precut 5" charm pack which means to a quilter - no cutting of fabric.  It is already precut to exactly the right size. To complete the quilt I ONLY needed a half yard of two more fabrics....  how tempting is that????

So drop in again and see how this wall hanging is coming along. 

And then before I knew it, more fabric ended up on the cutting table...

The sin of greed can land you in a place that is warm all year long and maybe with these last cold days of winter that place, right now, sounds pretty good.  But on the other hand, being a quilter, we get a lot of forgiveness since we are keeping quilt stores in business all year long.

Happy quilting!