Wednesday, June 18, 2014


A picture is worth a thousand words or so they say but I can only think of one: "WOW".  The counter top has not been seen in months or possible years!

This may be the last time for it to look this clean and clear.... My daughter asked 'what was the inspiration?'.  My first answer was 'none' until I looked back at the beginning of the major re-org and I can blame Chris, my quilting friend.  Her sewing room is always spotless and so organized and she can still put out finished projects! 
But you will notice that there is something now on the sewing table....

That is because I came across all these unfinished projects and decided to pull one of them out and finish it.... it is not the favorite and I know why it was set aside years ago... it is a veggie project pure and simple.

The stitching is hard to see in the photo but I think it will finish up just fine.

The fallacy of the 40% off coupon is that you are still taking 60% out of pocket for something that would have been 100% saved if you never went into the store in the first know this fact to be true but women just cannot turn down a deal!

The Joanne  coupon for 40% off ended up costing 60% out of pocket BUT what a deal it was.....

A prize will go to whoever can tell me what I am off and running on...

It is just falling into place without much planning or thought.  Still has a ways to go ...

Happy old projects and new!

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