Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Roadtrip with Grandma

As many of you know we have lost a dearly loved member of our family.  My Mother passed away September 12th.  She lived a very full 94 years and will be missed by all of us.  Her end was peaceful.

But there is always a story or two to tell when it comes to Mom. 

When we put together a family memorial we remembered all the fantastic things she has done and taught us. 

My sister did an awesome job putting together all those things that defined who Mom/Grandma/Great-grandma was and how each of us were touched personally in some way by her.

Now that being said.

We all know that at times she was not a very patience person, so none of us envied the FedEx driver.  She arrived very late in the day and the FedEx driver must have felt a very uncomfortable presence with him, especially the later it became.  We made sure there was always someone watching for Mom.

Mom barely made it in time for her own party.

But when she did arrive the stories and tributes began.

The next day Bill and I took her on a road trip with us.  She did like to travel so we thought she might like a drive through OR.

On the road...eastern OR.

The town of Fossil is where behind the high school you can dig for fossils!  I swear while I was digging for the fossils I hear mom say, "Susan, we have been here long enough.  It is time to go!"  That said, she was always game to take rides with all of us and go to some pretty wild places and not say a word.

For now Mom is keeping me company as I sit in the loft and quilt.  I will miss her when we take her on her final road trip next month and lay her to rest beside Dad. 

Ah lady, I do miss you.

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