Friday, January 17, 2014

Back to Quilting

Oh my, has it been that long since I've blogged about quilting?  It does feel like it has been ages or maybe there just wasn't anything that interesting going on in the loft!  ....until this week.

This week was the Fyber Café meeting.  It is a group of women who have a wide range of skills from art quilts, to dyeing, to weaving, etc.  This week Vera had us do a hands on project (which I wish I had taken pictures of).  It was so 'out of the box' for me but now that I have it sewed, washed, and ready for lots of beading I'm excited to see the final outcome.

A little background:  dissolving stabilizer sheets, lots and lots of scraps (material, yarn, ribbon).

Vera has a connection with someone and she brought in these plastic bags that go into an autoclave.  These plastic bags dissolve in water and she also brought in a huge bag of her scraps for us to use.  Others also brought in scraps. 

You work on the first sheet of dissolvable plastic layering threads, yarn, ribbon, scraps of material and you fill the sheet.  I tried to stay in pink, purple and teal. 

Then you lay the second sheet over your random collection, pin it, and then over stitch it heavily.  After all the stitching is done, then comes the final step.  You soak it.

It doesn't take much hot water to have the plastic dissolve.

Then begins the fun part (as if what came before wasn't fun enough).  You get to decide what actually you are going to do with this.  First thought was to finish it then cut hearts out of it and send them as Valentine postcards.  Now the thought is to embellish it and frame it. 

mmm....which color beads to use?????

Here is a little quick project.  If you make enough of them you could hang them all over tree branches.

The bird just needs an eye added.  Not impressive alone but think what a whole flock of them would look like!

Happy Sunshine (it is out today!)

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