Friday, November 11, 2011

Banana 2

The bananas have not been forgotten.  Every day they have been looked at, thought about, and then set aside.  The question, "Where to go from here?" never had a satisfactory answer.  It wasn't till I popped in the DVD on thread painting (remember that from the pears) did a make or break possibility arise.

Having vast resources at my finger tips does help - okay, I am a compulsive quilt shopper when it comes to books, fabric, thread, DVDs and anything connected to the hobby. The bookshelf, attic, and wardrobe are over-flowing!

This does not make me an expert especially when it comes to thread painting.  But the bananas are another learning step so whatever happens to them is good, (not beautiful but good).  So that said, here is what happened to them today.

I am thinking of doing French Knots around the outside of the plate and then using fabric paint for light and dark shadows....this could be interesting.

Book recommendation:  While at Costco I spotted Bill Bryson's new book "At Home".  Years ago I read his book "A Walk in the Woods" and thought it was one of the most witty books I had read.  Well, he is back.  While sitting in the car waiting for Bill as he did a quick (no such thing) trip into Lowes, I picked up the book and began reading.

This is not my thought but Bill Bryson's and from the introduction to his new book:  

"Sitting at the kitchen table one afternoon, playing idly with the salt and pepper shakers, it occurred to me that I had absolutely no idea why, out of all the spices in the world, we have such an abiding attachment to those two.  Why not pepper and cardamom say, or salt and cinnamon? And why do forks have four tines and not three or five?..."

...and so I am lured into wanting to read more.
What better time of year to curl up with a good book, a glass of wine, and a comfortable chair in front of the fireplace.

Happy winter days!

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