Friday, September 7, 2012

Not Enough Hours in a Day!

There never seems to be enough hours in a day to get everything done that needs to be done.  I've already given up on cleaning the house, mowing lawns, cooking, dishes....  (ok, so I really still do all those things!)

The secret would be to finish all the projects that I have started instead of seeing something new to try and going for it.  So this is where I am on old and new projects.

The 'old' project is coming along only because there is an Oct. 31st deadline on it and I could be looking at carpel tunnel hand surgery before that date.  So if the challenge quilt is going to be ready I have to stay with it!

Handy Bill (dear husband) has made an extension table to help me with the top stitching on this quilt.  

This really helps to take the weight of the quilt and makes it easier to slide it under the pressure foot on the sewing machine.

See how well the extension works.  And this is as far as I have gone with the challenge quilt.  Due date Oct. 31st.

I do finish a few projects...

The hanging bags are so much fun.  What you can't see in the pictures is all the beading that has been added.  Four more of these are in the embellishing stage.

Then we come to a new project.  While having lunch downtown with Chris (remember her from my other quilting blogs) we discovered two new stores in the old downtown part of Roseburg.  One was the bead store which has seen me 3 times already and a new YARN store.  

Sharon, the owner, had me hooked when I saw a knitted vest in the window and found out she gave lessons....  so I am knitting a strip vest.

It is really quite easy as you knit this sweater vest in strips then sew them together.  It is being made in all my favorite shades of blue, green, and purple!  It looks a bit wocky as the yarn and pattern is changing but the blocking will straighten all of that out.  It is also being made up as it goes along.  

Happy Days with Long Lists of Fun Things to Do!


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